This Is Why You Need A DevOps Engineer For Your Company

Combining IT operations with software development can result in a fast and bug-free development process. Many people are still not aware of it, but many big enterprises are already using the expert services of a DevOps engineer to improve the efficiency of their business operations.

The sole purpose of a DevOps engineer is to shorten the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and support more frequent development, fixes, and development process to a developer.

The task of a DevOps engineer is quite similar to a Sysadmin (System Administrators/Engineers) whose task is to work with the different departments of a company and provide them an easy and efficient way to share information that supports improved business operations and increased efficiency. While DevOps specifically work with IT team and software developers to provide them with a proficient way to optimized and reduce the development time. Many might argue over the existence of a DevOps engineer considering it as culture and not a job. But there is Job title and people who earn by working as a DevOps engineer. If you are an IT company and looking forward to expanding your verticals into software development, web development or any other field that incorporates the development process, a DevOps engineer can certainly help you with the expansion. Here are the tools and skills that allow a DevOps to do their best job. Operating System - Linux

Tool For DevOps Engineer

90% of computers and systems around the world work on a Linux based OS. It is a beneficial tool for DevOps as they can easily script and automate the daily tasks or SSH into the servers to offer support. And not just DevOps but the other departments of your business should also get used to the Linux environment. Good thing if your work environment uses Mac for daily operations. As Mac OS is Unix-based, it understands the Linux command and you can do the task on Mac (which got the better UI) rather than switching to the Linux based environment. Python As Your Backend Language

Tool For DevOps Engineer

Which language should I use? It is the most common question among companies that are just starting with software and web development. While every computer language got its own benefits for particular roles, you can't switch back and forth between different languages. Picking one and then sticking to will help the person to polish their skills. If you are hiring a DevOps engineer, go with the one who has mastered in Python. Being one of the most human-friendly and availability of security tools and frameworks written in Python makes it the favorite of many professionals. However, it's not the only definitive language to go with, you can choose any other language, as all that matters is to pick one and then stick to it. Bash To Write Scripts

Tool For DevOps Engineer

To automate the repetitive task you'll need to write the scripts. Being the Unix-based you can again take advantage of the Mac system. Simple write bash scripts in the Mac terminal to automate the tasks and configuring systems. A DevOps who can write professional bash scripts can replace the manual labor of creating a system for the new onboarding employee of your company by automating the task of creating a new user, installing apps and configuring the printer and other system settings into the new system. Ansible For Automation

Tool For DevOps Engineer

Preferred by the many professionals, including us, Ansible is an open-source IT automation engine, which can be used to improve the scalability, consistency, and reliability of your IT environment. Ansible is very helpful for a business to manage tasks like provisioning, configuration management, and application testing and deployment.In ConclusionHiring a DevOps engineer is quite beneficial for businesses that deal with the development process. Finding a professional DevOps engineer is not quite easy. However to save your time and get better results you can hire a DevOps consulting service who will provide you with the required workforce to take care of your business needs or automation and faster development. Combine IT with software development with the help of DevOps engineer. Create a more efficient process that supports fast and bug-free development.Automate your business operations and improve your development process. Hire Apporio DevOps experts to innovate with the technology. By using all the modern approach, our engineers will work for you to provide a better and more efficient work environment.
